PCGrate-S(X) Series v.6.1 is updated for Vista

PCGrate-S(X) Series v.6.1 is updated for Vista  
The installation procedure has been fully redesigned to correspond to Microsoft® Windows® Vista security requirements. You have to delete all previous PCGrate* v. 6.1 installations before installing the last release (the forth edition updated 08.28.2007 for Vista – it works also for Windows 2000, Millennium, XP, and Server 2003). You may do it by using the Add/Remove Programs applet. This requirement is based on the ActiveX components registration and storing configurations settings in the registry. The installation package is an MSI-file. Nowadays MSI is the common format of installation packages for Windows operation systems. An MSI package is the database with instructions and files for the Windows Installer service. You may download the latest version of the Windows Installer from the Microsoft website.  
Some improvements are added to the installation packages of PCGrate-S(X) 6.1 and an edition of the documentation (User’s Guide and HTML Help) is issued. Two solvers for accounting random micro-/nano-roughness and/or interdiffusion using the Debye-Waller or Nevot-Croce amplitude factors are included in the packages. Click here to download updated PCGrate Demo v.6.1 Complete.